Sorry, this website is discontinued 💔 Prices and specs were frozen in March 2020.
Contact me if you are interested in the project!

Logo About Picked

Picked is an online tool designed to compare all sorts of products based on quality and features.
We are a team of engineers and tech enthusiasts that seek to dedicate, review and sort every product in a easy way. Arnaud de Saint Meloir

Arnaud de Saint Meloir
Software engineer and tech enthusiast.

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Are you looking for a Full-stack Engineer ?
I am looking for an master internship in North America in 2020 !
Please check out my resume.


Why can't I sort products by price ?
We noticed that price and quality are not always correlated.
Therefore, the main goal of Picked is to offer an objective comparison based on features and benchmarking.
Do you provide affiliated links ?
Yes, the links to Amazon we provide are affiliated and may earn us a commission later.
However, we never partner with brands themselves, so we won't be biased over a specific product because of it.
Why is my favorite product not on Picked ?
We are open to suggestions, contact us on our Twitter if you want to recommend something !
I want to contribute to Picked !
If you are an expert on a specific topic you want to see covered, we are hiring new editors !
Contact us on our Twitter to chat with us.